Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The announcement...


I'm oddly nervous about what I am about to tell you... Not in a bad way or a good... I mean after all I have put out on this blog a lot of personal stuff... But this is deeply deeply personal...

Well here goes...

I am proud to announce that I have joined a wonderful cast of Shakespeare's "The Winters Tale" being directed by my friend Mary Clifford...

The production is for the last two weeks of July...

I encourage you to come, it's gonna be a fantastic show... Bring a chair or a blanket, bring a nice bottle of wine and food and enjoy a beautiful evening on our stage on the lake...

For more details please visit http://www.theillustrioustheatre.org/ for more details...


  1. Excellent and I WILL be there. Does Mary need help? What lake?


  2. Ok seriously...that made you nervous? What fun! Would love to get there will see what I can do.
    Love ya, Jaimee

  3. That's great news, Dave! I'd love to come see the show!
