Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Ocean Floor

Water - not the normal thing this fire sign talks about...  But I'm not talking about the Atlantic or the Pacific...  I'm talking about the waters that lie within all of us.. You know the channels and currents of our mind, and the waters that make each of us - well us...

In the oceans that are me, I know that it is pretty much setup like our earth... Plateaus and canals that are the most accessible, but then there is the deep water...  The darker places... literally the core of what our minds ocean function on...  Some people simply allow there oceans to remain undisturbed - moving and flowing to their own natural rhythm.  Others are all about turbulent waters... kicking up storm after emotional storm...

I mean how do you determine your emotional state?  Do you notice rough seas or storm clouds... or is it like a tidal wave from nowhere?  Is it the acknowledgement of the issues at hand - or are there things that lie below the surface waters that are growing out all the other issues that bubble to the top?  More importantly, are we dealing with just symptoms, like storms passing, and not causes?  I mean with what seems like the Prozaic nation that we have become - have we lost our ability to delve into the deep waters of our own psyche or is it just easier to skim the surface and skim through life?  

I think from my other posts, you can guess my stance on the issue...

What lies beneath the surface is what truly interests me...  You see, I think that at the core of the myriad of issues we face there are the biggies, the primal ones that breath life in or fester and grow out into an array of situations, responses and reactions.  The only way to ever see what they are however is to take the plunge...

It might be the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.  For me I look into myself usually sitting by a barely dawn lit sunny window, when the dogs are sleeping and there is peace in the house...  These are the only waters I don't fear to tread...  Like a diver, submersion is breath taking and scary and for a minute or two I panic in the unnaturalness of it all... but then I am in my world...

I am taking the plunge as it were into the deep waters a lot these days...  Swimming literally in oceans of synapse and feelings and emotions...  Looking around inside of me to see what is down there...  What is at my core?  Am I missing something? You know what I found? 

You read it here a lot.

The first few minutes are the scariest thing you have ever felt - because in our world emotions are frowned upon usually - and diving deep into a sea of feelings takes some bravery - but then all of a sudden there is peace, understanding and knowledge...

Dive my friends, dive...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave - this was a really great read, and a good reminder that we all need to delve deep more often, no matter how scary that can be.

    Most likely off-topic, but this post also reminded me of two Christian songs I like:

    Audio Adrenaline's "Ocean Floor" about forgiveness - see music video at:

    And Steven Curtis Chapman's "Dive" about faith - see music video at:
