Monday, April 4, 2011

The Man in the Mirror

So my house is full of mirrors - and no not for the "you look fab..." reason.  I am lucky enough to have a house filled with light and it just further brightens it...  Well today as I slogged my way to human status I walked by one of the mirrors and I was astonished at what I saw...  Staring back at me was a man I have only recently met.

Now you can call it a shameless plug, or that uneasiness of entering a new decade today, but for maybe the first time in my life I did not recoil at the image cast back at me.  And I still looked a little sleepy - FYI.  Granted its one part excellent therapy and another part the tremendous outpouring of support I have received of late, but I would like to say it felt - well - good.  I hesitate because this is truly unexplored territory.

So what does all that mean - I mean come on - Dave looks at himself in the mirror and he's ok - big deal? -my friends that is tremendous - in so many ways - but mostly it shows me there is progress!  Imagine if you will 39 years of feeling blah or mediocre... not because the world said so, but because you - by yourself -thought it.   Of course there have been defining moments, recognitions and acknowledgements but nothing that to you personally ever have stood out!  And of all days for it to happen, today, maybe because I have had "me" on my mind - or maybe because I truly believe in signs from whatever its we gets signs from...  Either way was the cosmos signaling the beginning of something new?

Choose your favorite religion or mythology and they all talk about us being connected - well I certainly believe that's true...  I have seen first hand the power of prayer - I have seen first hand the power of faith and I have seen first hand the most miraculous things happen in everyday life.  But when something big happens to you - well you're never prepared for it... the immediacy of it - its rush...

It happen today for me, all by a glance in a mirror - simple... the way I like it.  I could think of nothing worse then getting a sign oh say in the produce aisle or perhaps right before disaster struck... Now I know that part of this sounds hokey - and no I am not stumping for an energy drink or a fitness regime - but come on everyone - isn't it time that we lift at least a few of the veils? 

Here's why I think we are all connected:

  • You can not EVER tell me that things don't happen for a reason - my life and its trajectory could be living proof of some sort of grand scheme (questionable on grand - but always high on comedy)  - but dosen't everyone feel that way?  I have those moments where I just stop for a second and revel in where I am at, what I am doing, who is doing it with me, but there in those moments, I can feel something... (boy you can interpert that in many ways - LOL)

  • I have a team of friends (I lovingly call them my co-conspirators) who literally have shocked me back into life - with words and encouragement and actions that have ingrained themselves in my being...  Those indelible marks prove to me that people can rise up - against the odds - stand up and be counted - and help people with a ferocity, tenacity and drive that makes them all heroes in my book... and proves that we are all connected...

  • I love that I get to see the good side of people and even more so the most excellent side of people because it drives me to be a better person...  the only way we ever get to see these feats is by - say it with me - being connected...

  • I like that I have muses (whom now I get cornered at public events to "out" who they are - well five of nine know they are in the pantheon - but ever sly I won't tell them which one they are) and their source of inspiration is incredible - but all because I connect to them in a mighty big way...

  • Finally I feel the vibe - you know the one - when again for a moment of two its like everything stands still and you and a person or people are in the moment and nothing else matters - I take that as a sign and a connection - and I am grateful that I share that with all of you...

So yes, I am a big puddle of love right now (take that ANY WAY you want)...but remember this kids - A BRAND NEW DAVE is in charge - not that old sad one - a much improved, much happier, much more playful, much more verbose (hard to believe!) and much more loved Dave Parano is here to stay - and that's because of you!  I truly will never forget those who stood by me and mark my words (I keep threatening this - I know) we are all rising up - together - to a much better state of being... (those of you who think you're gonna be kicking and screaming on the way up let me remind you my muses are pretty tough...)

THE PITHINESS OF THE BLOG RESUMES TOMORROW - till then Carpe Diem - stop for a moment and like me revel in this great connection!